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Shrine of St. Anthony of Padua/ LaMieux Chapel


 A Charming Tabernacle Hiding In The Woods, The Shrine OfSt. Anthony Of Padua Is One Of Wisconsin’s Stylish Kept Secrets , 2420 Nicolet Dr, Green Bay, WI 54311.

Still, Tabernacle Ridge Heights Shrine of St, If you were ever to collect a list of Wisconsin’s most entranced sanctuaries. Anthony of Padua would surely be on it. put away down in the forestland and as fascinating as they come, the tabernacle is like commodity straight from a puck tale. Read on to learn further about this little church, which may veritably well be one of Wisconsin’s best- kept secrets.

Tabernacle Ridge Heights Shrine of St. Anthony of Padua may look like commodity from a dream, but it actually exists — and you ’ll find it at the Cofrin Memorial Arboretum, which is on the University of Wisconsin’s Green Bay lot.

When erected in 1925, it served as the Le Mieux family’s private tabernacle. It was Odile Le Mieux, the family dame, who commissioned the construction of the tabernacle in the forestland near her home. Odile had the tabernacle erected for her son, Father Ed Le Mieux, so he'd have a proper place to supplicate and say mass when visiting her.

Joseph Le Mieux worked as a stonemason, erecting lighthouses on the Great Lakes. A carpenter by trade, Fabian LaPlant designed and erected utmost of the tabernacle’s innards, including the balcony, kneelers, pedestals, and table.
In addition to Tabernacle Ridge Heights Shrine ofSt. Anthony of Padua, the trail features ponds, verdure, wildlife, islands, and more.  Start here

moment, the tabernacle stays open time- round. Locals come to the Shrine ofSt. Anthony of Padua to reflect in prayer or deification. The small structure sits on a perfect spot along with the Cofrin Arboretum. It's little surprise that the Shrine ofSt. Anthony of Padua is the oldest structure on the UWGB lot.

When deciding a position for the foundation of UWGB, a determination of the tabernacle’s future was demanded. “ It’s come this inconceivable collaboration in cooperation with the family( and) the university, ” states Jacob Depas, Director of Development at UWGB. UWGB acquired the tabernacle and girding property in 1984.

To this day, Le Mieux’s descendants, the Jadin family, continue to maintain the tabernacle in the forestland along with the conservation crew then at the University of Wisconsin- Green Bay. The tabernacle is a favorite spot of not only the Jadin family but also numerous scholars at the University of Wisconsin- Green Bay.


The latitude of Shrine of St. Anthony of Padua/ LaMieux Chapel is 44.53344, and the longitude is -87.92759. Shrine of St. Anthony of Padua/ LaMieux Chapel is located in Green Bay, United States with the gps coordinates of 44° 32' 0.384" N and 87° 55' 39.324" W. 


Next stop, Bay Park Square.





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